Not being able to return home due to Covid-19 was the number-one concern in this survey.
The Government is due to make an announcement soon about when it will restart selecting SMC expressions of interest.
Major shovel-ready projects are facing delays due to strict border restrictions.
International students got another ‘cold shower’ last week.
But the anticipated flood of returning ex-pats is yet to be seen, Stats NZ says.
From 19 to 28 March, Auckland celebrates its diversity with 80+ events and 60+ cultures to experience.
It’s a feeling many people can relate to, but only the Basques know how to call it.
INZ has removed the visa extension expiry date.
Skilled Migrant residence applicants could see processing times delayed even further.
Immigration advisers slammed OP’s latest advertisement for promising a ‘dubious’ pathway to NZ residency.